Thoughts for today

Hey Guys! I hope you had a great weekend. I got a lot of stuff done. I was able to organize a lot of my supplies and get started on my next cake. It will be, if all goes well, a Gandalf cake. I have been thinking about this one for a couple of weeks and I have all the cake and things needed to get it done. I hope to have pictures of it for next week.

I know that I have been telling you that I want to make a video. It was on my to do list this weekend but I chickened out. I am putting it back on for this weekend and I am going to get it done. I don’t know why this is hard for me. I love being on stage. I think that it is because I don’t have a really personal connection when I am singing. I am on a stage very far from my audience. I know they can see me but I have some level of anonymity. Even in writing this blog I am somewhat anonymous. I can say things, but you don’t see me. I can remain separated from you in some ways. With making a video, yes I am still removed from my audience, but there is a little more up close and personal. I am a very private person. I don’t like to talk about myself at all. I would rather just listen and not say anything about myself. So you may ask why I want to write a blog about myself and what I do. Well, I am not really sure. I do know that it has helped me. I find myself talking more and being more open about myself to others.

Being in business is not easy. I have to talk to a lot of people, and I have to show my work. I just want to make cake. I don’t want to think about selling them and making money. I want to blithely walk through life and it will all just happen. Business is not that way. There is so much to think about and so much to do. Most of it is uncomfortable for me. I am working on moving out of my comfort zone, and in many ways I have. I have been learning so much about business and about myself. Seeing where I have to make big changes in my thinking and in the way that I do things.

So this is what I have been thinking about all week. I think about what to say and how to say it. I work on cake designs and I work on how to logistically make it happen. I try to work on all the elements of my business that are hard for me. Selling and tracking and all that necessary but not always easy things. I am finding all things business are becoming easier, but I still struggle in some areas.

This has been all over the place today, but it is all things that have been on my mind this week. I hope you have a great day and that your week will be amazing.

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